16 Melville Drive

Minor variance application

Build date
Internal Project

The property at 16 Melville has approximately 44 m of frontage on Melville.  The minimum lot width is 9.5 m.  Our client could create four fully conforming lots with lot widths of approximately 11 m.  Their application to the Committee is to seek a minor variance to reduce the lot width to 8.8 m, so that they can construct five single family homes, one additional home.
Policies of the PPS and of the City’s Official Plan that support infill and intensification do not differentiate between neighbourhoods.  The arguments in support of applications to the Committee that will facilitate a modest level of intensification are:
Consistent with Provincial Policy that supports intensification;
Conforms to Official Plan policies that support intensification in established neighbourhoods in the General Urban Area. 
Other arguments in support of applications that will facilitate a modest level of intensification are:
The site is easily accessible by transit;
The site is in close proximity to facilities including parks, schools etc. 

The property at 16 Melville is an appropriate site for residential intensification.  The only variance requested is with respect to lot width, a reduction of 0.7 m (just over 2 ft).  This reduced lot width will not be perceptible from the street.  The proposed homes will be fully conforming to all other provisions of the zoning by-law.  The proposed lots exceed the minimum lot area by almost 40 sq m.