After Sales Services

Our after-sales service starts long before you take possession of your new home.
Our office staff will guide you through the selections process and arrange for site inspections. They ensure your choices of finishes are ordered and communicated to our partners and tradespeople in time for installation. Customer service staff will contact you to arrange for site inspections at key points in the construction process.
RG`s site supervisors are responsible for delivering our homes with the least number of imperfections possible. When time permits, our customer service staff go through the home a couple of days in advance of your Pre-Delivery Inspection to find items that need to be addressed.

Pre-Delivery Inspection

On the day of your PDI, our staff will walk through the house with you and explain how the various systems work. They'll also make a note of any flaws that have not been noticed earlier. The site supervisor will receive a copy of the deficiency list immediately following the PDI; all items are the responsibility of the site supervisor (unless otherwise communicated with the office) to be completed within 2 weeks after closing.
Your new home warranty is administered by Tarion, which ensures that your home is free from defects in material, has been built in compliance with the Ontario Building Code and is fit for habitation. Our customer service staff are available to answer any questions you have regarding items that may require attention under your warranty.

30 Day List

Tarion's first warranty deadline is 30 days after you take possession. This period covers any items remaining from the PDI and any newly-discovered items. We encourage you to contact us to discuss any items of concern prior to submitting your 30-day form.

One and Two Year Lists

Tarion's next deadlines are one and two years from your date of possession. Once again, we encourage you to contact our office to discuss issues that have arisen so that we can address them in a timely manner.

We're here to help

We want your home-buying experience to be pleasant and trouble-free. If you have any questions, please let us know.