New Home Warranty Information

A Homeowner Information Package from Tarion is provided as part of your Pre-Delivery Package. RG Trading is committed to meeting or exceeding both the industry standards and the Tarion standards found in their Construction Performance Guidelines. This document is available on their website. The Tarion Warranty Corporation backs your One-Year and Two-Year Builder’s Warranties. In addition, Tarion Warranty Corporation covers major structural defects under their seven-year warranty.
If you have any questions about warranty issues, we invite you to contact our Customer Care specialists first.

One Year Warranty

RG Trading warrants for one year that your new home is:
  • Constructed in a workmanlike manner and free from defects in material;
  • Fit for habitation;
  • Constructed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code; and
  • Free of major structural defects.

Two Year Warranty

RG Trading warrants your home for two years against the following:
  • Water penetration through the basement or foundation walls;
  • Defects in materials, including windows, doors and caulking, or defects in work that result in water penetration into the building envelope;
  • Defects in work or materials in the electrical, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution systems;
  • Defects in work or materials which result in the detachment, displacement or deterioration of exterior cladding (such as brickwork, aluminum or vinyl siding)
  • Violations of the Ontario Building Code affecting health and safety (including, but not limited to, violations relating to fire safety and the structural adequacy of the home); and Major structural defects.

Seven Year Warranty

Your home’s seven year warranty covers major structural defects (MSD) and begins on the date you take possession of the home and ends on the day before the seventh anniversary of that date.

What is not covered?

See a list of items not covered in your warranty.

Other Warranties

Appliance and product manufacturers may provide warranties extending beyond the Builder’s Warranty. Any such warranties and operating instructions are included in your Pre-Delivery Package or in the rear section of your Homeowner Manual. Direct any claims to the appropriate manufacturer as outlined in their warranty. Please contact us if you need any assistance.